• Many great people  have got many unbelievable instances in their lives that the common man cannot believe in.One such instance is the mystery in which why nobel prize which is given after the name Alfred Nobel in the fields of literature,physics and chemistry and peace  is not given  in the field of mathematics which is an highly regarded and important subject.The answer to this mystery is somewhat silly and embarrassing  as its all because his wife eloped with a mathematics professor!!!! But thats too unfair thing done to other mathematicians of the world. 
  • Another interesting fact is about the highly intelligent german lad albert einstien who though have got extraordinary skills in science lacked some basic humanitarian strokes .One such act is when he and his girl friend  who is from hungary with name Mileva Maric had a daughter out of their wedlock in 1901.They put that baby for sale for couple of dollars . Einstien dint look at his daughter even once and after two years they got married .Thus this brainy stud of germany could never be a good father!!
  • Planck was often unlucky in life.his beloved first wife died early ,in 1909,and the younger of his two sons was killed in the first world war.he also had twin daughters whom he died giving birth.the surviving twin went to look after the baby and fell in love with her sisters husband. they married and two years later she died during childbirth. in 1944 when plank was eighty-five an Allied bomb fell on his house and he lost everything-papers,diaries and a lifetime of accumulations.the following year his surviving son was caught in a conspiracy to assasinate hitler and was executed.
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  • .wait for some more facts to add on soon!!


  1. Get your facts right . .

    1) Alfred Noble never married. Assuming he married i dont think a man with such an intellect would do something like that. There might be other reasons. Before the advent of computers Mathematics was not a very practical tool. No one thought mathematics would greatly improve the lives of humans. In those times experimental proofs were much preferred over mathematical proofs which are long,tedious and Abstract.

    2) We will never know what actually happened in history.We know about the existence of Einsteins letters through the letters between einstein and hi Mileva Maric.

    "Einstien dint look at his daughter even once"
    That doesnt proove anything. Transportation in those times was a luxury.

    They put their baby for sale for a couple of dollars is rubbish.

    And dont think im discouraging you. Its good that you are writing, continue.

  2. 1.actually it was nt alfred who had selected the subjects for which awards should be given....the main role was played by the commitee which is announcing these awards. yes thats true that alfred has got nothing to do wid this n he is completely blameless!!

    2.And einstien putting giving away his daughter without even seeing her is stated in the book by 'BILL BRYSON' in the book 'A SHORT HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING'. and the rest of the fact is given by a bengali author in his quiz book.

  3. Theres a typo in my first comment. "We know about the existence of Einsteins daughter* through the letters between einstein and Mileva Maric". It was never directly stated in those letters that they sold her. She was never mentioned about in subsequent letters.
    Can you type the exact words or scan the page of Mr. Bill Bryson in his book ? I dont have the book.

    And check out my blog SIMPLY STRAIGHT FORWARD

  4. huh. ..whatever! !!! i dont know if those things are really true or not, but yeah, they are quiet interesting...:-P.. still waiting for more madamme. .:-)

  5. Heres my blog .


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